Michael-Faye's Motivations

Short-Term and Long-Term Goals 

For those who know me, you may view me as a very ambitious individual. Through trial and error, I have learned about the importance of replenishment, organization, and boundaries such that the quality of my work towards these goals is something I would be proud to show to the world. As I tell my students, it's very easy to get into a mindset of hyper-productivity, so be aware of the effects that it might have on you and the others around you. Like the old adage says, quality over quantity. 

One helpful aspect of goal setting I have heard and found true is specificity both in regard to the goal and the way in which one plans to work towards it. You will also notice that I am writing my goals in the present tense as if they already have happened so that I can reinforce the pers goals. With that, I want to, best being said, I want to take this space to share my short-term 3  and long-term goals in the next 6 months - 1.5 years. I will also tell you how your donations can support me in achieving these goals.

Short Terms Goals

1) I have the ability to earn a score of 510 on my first round of the MCAT in June, with my highest scores being in organic chemistry, general chemistry, biochemistry, and sociology (in that specific order).

Plan of Action: I plan to continue to study for the MCAT for 3-4 hours per day, review content by teaching it back to peers, take practice tests when I feel prepared, review what I missed on practice tests by using logic to think through the answer with YouTube videos, old notes from school, and peer review lead programs.

2) I have the organizational skills and information necessary to receive accommodations for my primary and secondary accommodation request for my first MCAT in June of 2023.

Plan of Action: Submit a comprehensive application comprised of doctor's notes, diagnosis, history of receiving accommodations in college, a personal statement, and a diagnostic test.

3) I do feel rooted in my weekly routine and assert boundaries to preserve my energy for what is next to come.

Plan of Action: Instead of beating myself up for missing a beat, show me grace and compassion and look at each next moment as an opportunity to get back on track.

Long Terms Goals

1) I have the persistence to become fluent and confident in Spanish such that I can engage in casual conversations with friends who are Native speakers without saying '¿Como se dice ____?' and be able to be a translator for both of the clinics I work/volunteer at.

Plan of Action: Practice Speaking Spanish at work with colleagues and recipients of our care by using the words I do know until I learn new ones, teach my partner Spanish I do know and use my knowledge about pronunciations and phonetics to break each word down and write, read, and sing in Spanish when possible.

2) I have the ability to earn a position at ELAM in Cuba as a student of graduating class of 2030

Plan of Action: Continue to work on the aspects of my application that demonstrate my potential as a powerful and impactful physician by reflecting on my experiences, building up this website, and searching for letters of recommendation that will emphasize my most stellar attributes.

3) I am appreciative of my body's hard work that it does to maintain my holistic health.

Plan of Action: I am going to practice speaking positively to myself in moments of doubt by using mantras and words-of-affirmation sticky notes/journal entries. 

How Can Your Donations Aid Me In My Journey

As of now, I work two part-time jobs while studying for the MCAT and volunteering. That being said, it would be my hope to transition into having one job as I go through the next 1.5 years to focus my time on building a quality application for the medical school I am interested in attending. Your donations could aid me in making that transition, contribute to the cost of applications and tests, and provide opportunities for me to receive certifications such as credentials to become a phlebotomist and move into a more healthy living situation. Some personal details of my life I prefer not to be written however, I thoroughly enjoy engaging with donors, be it over email or in person at a cafe. With that being said, I am more than willing to share my story to earn your trust and support.

For more understanding of how I wrote my goals the way I did above, navigate to an article I referred to by clicking the brown button below.