Shows of Support



As a person pursuing medical school, I am always interested in earning opportunities to get a sneak peek at the variety of specialties, techniques of different providers' practices, and reasons why providers chose the schools they attended. If you are a doctor of medicine or a doctor of osteopathic medicine interested in conducting a shadow, feel empowered to reach out to me via LinkedIn using the blue button to the left.

Other forms of mentorship include but are not limited to resources for studying for the MCAT, weekly/biweekly/monthly progress check-ins, interview preparation clinics, and research papers about interesting and new developments in medicine.

Motivational Words & Resources 

Perhaps you don't have the capacity to schedule a shadow or cannot provide an opportunity to apply for an internship, but you would love to pass along some words of encouragement. Feel empowered to do so using the brown button to the left. 

Please have the common courtesy to use this feature of my website appropriately (i.e., do not include vulgar or disrespectful language). I'd like to say follow a twist on the 'golden rule': treat others how you would treat the person(s) you care about and love the most. One last helpful tip for words of encouragement is to be specific as possible. 

Donation Gifts

Are you interested in finding creative ways to support both myself and your community members (local and global)? Here's an idea: donate to support me in achieving my short-term and long-term goals and receive one donation gift per $5.00 donation made (for donors with destination addresses for the gift in the US). Donors with destination addresses for the gift outside of the US will be eligible to receive one donation gift per $5.00 donation made. Navigate to the site's 'Goddess Dior's Motivations' page to remind yourself or make yourself aware of my goals. A donation will be made to an organization that mobilizes and uplifts the marginalized community highlighted in the donation gift. To receive a donation gift, please do the following task below:

1) Send funds to $ybfisdrhurd on Venmo.

2) Submit a donation gift ticket using the button below.

3) Wait 5-7 business days for donation gifts sent within the US. 

Reasons to donate:

Support Your Locals (SYL) Donor Gifts

SYL Waterbottle Stickers


4'x4'  with matte finish

It's Not a Phase, It's Our Reality

As a young child, there were moments in which I found pockets of my truth regarding my gender identity and sexuality. Yet, I could not make something out of these moments because I was unable to access the words to describe these experiences. In high school, I was deeply impacted by my classmate's presentation on the LGBTQ+ community. Something about the detailed slides, colorful flags, and eloquent explanations spoke to something in me. Witnessing this classmate be their most authentic selves in an environment that was in no way conducive to youth from our community was amazing to see. Their shared knowledge and the support of a few allies empowered me to find myself. Today, I proudly know myself to be a 2-Spirited fem-of-center transperson. Like myself, many queer folks struggle with mental health issues due to our community's lack of support in a cis-hetero-normative society. In fact, according to the Trevor Project, LGBTQ youth who receive social support attempt suicide at less than half the rate of those who do not.


It Takes A Village & We Take Part In That 

Teachers are a huge part of everyone's educational experience, rather they know it or not. This is sometimes for the better and at other times for the worst. Thus, its important to thank our educators who uplift and poor into their students. Students are shaped and cultivated by their teachers and, thus, find part of their academic success and motivations subconsciously and consciously influenced. As a result, teachers. They should be compensated for this duty as they do their job adequately. However, many teachers put in more hours than their employers can afford and come out of pocket for some students' school supplies. 

 I have a plethora of teachers who have personally influenced my academic success throughout life that I would like to thank below :

Mr. Cruciani | 1st grade teacher 

Ms. Dugan | 5th grade teacher

Mr. Martin | 6th and 7th grade P.E teacher 

Mr. Jokela | 6th grade social studies teacher

Ms. Sonnenburg | 6th grade English teacher

Mr. Mullane, aka 'Doc' | Sophmore AP Lit teacher

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